The Primary classroom has children ages 3, 4, and 5. The Lower Elementary class is made up of children in the first, second, and third grades. The Upper Elementary class has fourth, fifth, and sixth graders.
The multi-aged classrooms provide a wealth of positive educational experiences for children. Children are inspired by the work of others. Very young children of ten learn quickly by simply observing others at work. The older children become responsible role models for the younger children. The little ones instill a sense of nurturing in the older children.
Multi-aged classrooms also allow children to develop at their own pace without the feeling of being singled out. Children can continue to work on skills that need more attention and advance in areas where they excel.
In a multi-age classroom, children develop a stronger bond with the teacher and their classmates. Likewise, the teacher gets to truly know her students after spending three years with them.
The materials in a Montessori classroom are extremely important. The materials are designed to be self-correcting. The child knows immediately if the lesson was done correctly. This allows the child to continue the lesson on his own and find the solution to his problem without intervention from an adult. These problem-solving skills are vital in today’s society.